Tuesday 6th February 2024
I woke up feeling rather creative today and after I did my treadmill stint I decided to look up some of my writing projects. I've got so many unfinished stories and after my project last year, of one writing project per month, I stopped after the 6th month. I was working on my '56' book and after I turned 57 and the project was published, life just got too all over the place for me to be disciplined. I am, however rather chuffed with myself that I haven't skipped a day on this blog for over two and a half years. Yes, sometimes it's diary drivel, but the concept of daily writing is extremely useful for me.
I wrote a few pages in a nice book that I'd stored in boxes and it felt strange writing with a pen. My handwriting looks pretty alarming too, I'm obviously out of practice. But journals are heavy, and tricky to transport so all my journaling has been digital. There is something cool though, about filling a blank page with ink and words, it seems to access a different part of my brain.
It was a lovely warm afternoon and after a quick, fun lunch at a nearby Greek restaurant and a guided tour by the owner, I decided I should cool off with a swim. Harley, the Labrador was ecstatic and I didn't want him to get over eager because his joints get affected, so I didn't spend too much time faffing to get in. Let me rephrase that, I kind of stumbled off the step while throwing the ball, so just dove right in. It was fabulous. Considering it was almost 5pm I was still amazed at how hot the weather was, having had regular late afternoon showers or cloud cover.
All the animals ate at their appropriate times today, and apart from the cat jumping on the roof and giving me a fright, all is well in house sit land.