Monday 15th May 2023
We went for a long walk this afternoon. The sun was out and although the wind was still rather cool by South African standards, it was a lovely day. It's amazing how much I have forgotten about all the excellent walking paths and how organised everything feels. We walked through some farmlands and saw more new houses being built.
Spring is in full throttle here and it's interesting not knowing all the different flowers and plants that are popping into colour. We did know the bluebells and tulips but at one part, there was a tree that looked like it had white furry caterpillars on it but it was fluffy bits that fell everywhere and made it looked like snow on the ground.
At 5km we stopped in the Aldi supermarket to get something for dinner and I stood in front of all the sweets. The selection is huge but oddly enough, I didn't feel the need to get anything. Very very strange, lol. The visual overload of unfamiliar goods as well as seeing into people's front rooms, plus no burglar bars had all been forgotten in the 6 months of absence. Humans have a remarkable ability to adapt and I was surprised by how quickly I'd forgotten so many small things. But that adds to the element of surprise all over again, no?
Off to sleep now, surprise!