Thursday 22nd December 2022
While chatting with an old friend today (catching up is great) we got onto the subject of values and security. He was talking about love relationships and an ex who wanted different things in order to feel secure. I thought about what makes me feel secure now and how it seems to have changed in the past 2 years. I concluded today that what helps me feel safe, is internet signal.
My connection to people, maps, bank, and information has become a vital component of my nomadic life. I do know that I can survive without internet and I'm not always online while exploring but I just feel safer knowing I'm a click away from anything.
Years ago, while doing life coaching, we taught our clients about value systems and beliefs and there was much discussion about them ever changing. Some schools of thought say values don't change but I've found now, that they can change, especially when they get challenged. We may think we have a particular high value and then when life happens, we discover that it might not be as important as once thought.
My old values of home, familiar and own comfort have completely changed at this stage of my life. I still get a little surprised by how okay I am with all these changes. But I think I dropped a lot of insecurities which has made me feel far more comfortable in my own skin. Fortunately that has helped me in my solo travels and my security comes from somewhere deep within.
My far travels resume on Saturday when I go eastwards and swap beds once more. No doubt you will hear all about it.