Tuesday 12 April 2022
I woke up in my friend's spare bed and noticed a strange light in the sky. At first I thought it was a drone then realised that the clouds had parted (yey!) So thought it a star. But then I saw it hovering. It was around 5.45am so my eyes hadn't fully kicked in but there was a brief thought of 'UFO' which made me get up to take a photo. I then tried my 'app for the stars and planets' and it mentioned the International Space Station and other stars, so I was happy with that.
My first appointment got canceled so it freed me up to go with Marlene to the China market for her stock for her store. It's quite a different world and I am still amazed at the volume of product that gets distributed just to a tiny market on one side of the street, in our massive city.
It was brilliant seeing blue skies after a heavy weekend of rain so I had to take a picture of the Brixton Tower which can be seen if you really zoom in.
The gloom of the hectic flooding in KwaZulu-Natal stayed over me though and I was very upset seeing the damage of places that I had gotten to know, in my few months there last year. Hopefully their weather dries out and damage control can get started.