Friday 6th October 2023
Today was another travel day. I came through to Edinburgh by train and spotted a few interesting places that I'd missed before. The first thing was some amazing artwork alongside the railway line going from Paisley into Glasgow, I was too slow to take a photo so I kept my phone poised for any other possibilities and the mandatory River Clyde pic.
I've love being able to walk in between stations in Glasgow, weather permitting of course. There's a pedestrian street called Buchanan street which is always busy, plus there were 4 different buskers playing their different tunes. There's beautiful buildings and I always smile passing Nelson Mandela Square. I was a train early for my actual ticket time, so I just got on it and enjoyed the scenery.
I saw tiny deer in one of the green fields and I was quite surprised seeing them there. The next field were the sheep, then cows and quite a few different horses wearing warm Autumn coats. A lot of the fields have been dug up in preparation for the winter months. As the train approached Linlithgow, I saw some interesting castle-like buildings which I will have to investigate. I'm loving seeing the buildings and then discovering a tiny bit more of the history of this country.
The heating on the train was set a bit high and as I stood up to get ready for my stop, I felt really queasy and I thought I might pass out. Yes, I had three layers of clothes on too, which probably didn't help, but I had a flash of 'oh no, please don't faint'.
One of the safety things I do have while solo travelling is my 'In Case of Emergency' bracelet. I ordered a British contacts one this year which is wrapped between my Comrades Marathon one, so I'm prepared in that way. I managed to put my hands on the train doors that were nice and cold and that seemed to help my hot flash of dizziness. It hasn't happened again so I think it was my blood pressure which can go a little low at times.
My cousin collected me from the station and I watched her and her family get their holiday gear ready. I am in awe of people who travel with families. So many things to think of, haha. Now it's just a matter of seeing how long it takes for the cat to start trusting me, probably the better part of 10 days, I think!