Thursday 24th November
One month to Christmas eve.
I had lots of early Christmas 'gifts' today by seeing lots of my loved ones. Pockets of conversations in person and a few good hugs. I'm easily pleased.
The weather was hot with the late afternoon rumbles that moved north without raining on my washing. Just like I remember the summers of my youth.
The traffic flowed on the freeway as I nipped back to the South to collect my things I'd forgotten. I had a chuckle at the South African way of driving as the third lane carries most cars and some trucks. The second lane has mostly unroadworthy vehicles and trucks while the bumpy left lane is usually empty unless undertaking or the classic 4 lane weave of some speedster dodging all 'slower' traffic blocking 'his' lanes. It's daunting for drivers from out of town. I was conscious of my cracked fender not blowing off into the road so I tried to dodge the very high bumps on the left hand lane and drove slower than usual, often behind the trucks.
Angie is up from Cape Town and out of England so I stopped in to see her too. She's staying with her friend whose dogs I have housesat and I was mighty chuffed that they remembered me.
I caught up with some longer term clients online who all sound marvelous and happy which is always great to hear.
I've put my tiny fan on me tonight because the mozzies are a-feasting and the crickets are a-chirping. Yip. One month to Christmas eve.