Sunday 3rd December 2023
Another perfect day! I know I have loads of them but not many lately with picture postcard snow. Waking up to an even thicker layer of snow prompted my sister to suggest a walk in the virgin snow. Fortunately she has wellington boots and they fit me just right. So we headed out into the bright, white world.
I'd forgotten how pleasing it is, to have the snow crunch under my feet. The air was cool but felt so clear. Everything looked so pretty, ordinary paths turned into magical Christmas decorations and bushes became spectacular ornaments. We walked up to the main road where we saw a couple of early kids opening their door to a fun morning of snowmen, snowballs and shovels. Not to be outdone, I picked up some of the soft crunchy snow and clumped it together. My sister saw my movements and matched me, we had a few throws, avoiding the face and having a laugh. Two runners came past and I applauded them out on the pavements in these conditions.
To describe the scenery is difficult, as words don't adequately capture the light, the contrast, the brightness and 3D- like quality of everything. I understand why artists want to paint what they see but it can't be captured. Some things in life just need to be experienced. I had a smile on my face all day, and most of the time, I was mumbling 'wow'.
The afternoon was filled with an excellent game of badminton and a great meal in a quaint village full of postcard buildings. Christmas lights twinkled against the houses and icicles hang from gutters and window ledges. The slushy grey slop on the roads was ignored for now as admiration for every white snow dump.
An early night started at 4pm darkness and coming back to my sister's lit-up house, felt so welcoming. I head to Newcastle tomorrow to stay in a hotel close to the airport for my 6am flight on Tuesday. Although I'm looking forward to the bottom part of Africa, I'm sad to be leaving here this time. Last year I was ready to go home, this year, I'm realising I carry home with me, in my chest.
Stay here Cathie - just stayyyyyy xx