Sunday 23rd April 2023
I got up 'late' this morning, well at least I was pinned under one of the cats who had spotted me on my 5am toilet stop. I heard the hadedas leave their tree while I watched the orange skyline. But my lie in was cut short when Harley barked at me to hurry up.
After the animals were seen to, my niece and I decided to walk up a nearby hill. I'd seen a path going up it and the weather was fine to venture out. I totally underestimated how rough the path would be. We made way through the rather long first stretch and then disturbed the neighbourhood dogs. I didn't take my camera which was a pity but not knowing the terrain meant rather being cautious. The views are magnificent. We picked our way carefully back down, mission accomplished.
The rest of my day was spent in recovery, lol. After a very short distance I was surprised by how tired and stiff I felt. Sunday afternoon was tempting for a slumber but the dogs were happy to keep me awake.
Sunset was dramatised by a veldfire somewhere. It seems like it's a big one because hours later there's still heavy smoke in the air. It's quite nauseating and I've got a bit of a headache. One of the winter aspects that I really don't like. But it's almost bedtime and my Medlemon is going to help.
P.s. I've included the small koppie graph just so you can see, lol!
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