Sunday 29th May 2022
It's amazing how nondescript the days can feel when you are sick. I woke up grumpy and tired. Yes, I sound like a Hans Christian Anderson tale and I can totally understand why Snow White wanted to sleep for 100 years.
So I slept the morning instead. The house was delicately quiet when I went downstairs to line my stomach for the last day of antibiotics. On the counter was a bowl of freshly grown rhubarb pulled up and cooked lovingly by Anna because I'd mentioned that I love rhubarb. It's these heart pulls that are so... well, caring that makes me feel grateful. I clicked that she must have headed out to swim and a part of me wanted to chastise myself for not going. The wise part said.. there will be other times, when you are well.
I managed to do the medical bits and fell fast asleep again. When Anna returned, she asked if there is anywhere I want to go for a drive or something but my head was swimming in dizziness so I chose to just shower instead. We had a couple of hours after dinner catching up and sipping warm drinks in her conservatory under a blanket. I'm glad that it was cooler today and that it rained because it seemed to settle my hayfever reactions, which I don’t usually get. But now it's time to say cheers to the last Sunday hours in May.