Monday 16th October 2023
After all the adrenaline and stress of last night's rugby match, I slept surprisingly well. I woke up to a nice sky and very little wind so I decided to get on the bus to St Andrews.
Bus journeys are different from trains because of the leg room and it's not easy to walk the aisle. But they do go on twisty, unusual roads and I knew that the trip to St Andrews would be scenic. The bus goes past my cousin's suburb too which was perfect, so I set off quite early. I met 'Larry' the Irish Terrier on route to the bus stop and he was happy to wish me a good trip.
The bus is a luxury coach and I settled down for the almost 2 hour trip surveying the land. At Kircaldy we were told to get off the bus due to a fault and the replacement bus was a 'regular' double decker. One stop later, once again we had to board a third bus, due to a fault. This bus, sounded like the fan belt was slipping and the smell of burning rubber filled the top deck. But it held the last 15 miles till we chugged into the pretty university town. In spite of the bumpy replacements, I was excited to get into the old parts of the town.
I stayed on the University campus last year when I worked on the British Open golf, but never really got to see the historic parts plus it was packed with golf fans so I was glad to be visiting when it was just regular tourists.
There was a student initiation which meant that around 60 kids covered in shaving cream and funny outfits were making their way through the streets. I turned into the University grounds and was impressed with the buildings. I also saw a strange scene of about 12 people scanning a field, like a crime scene and I thought it might be ornithologists checking bird poo, but I smelled the same thing as from the initiation students and I realised it must've been the field of the shaving foam initiation.
There was the old castle ruins perched on the edge and I walked around the edge, admiring the view and beach walkers as well as one brave swimmer. The path followed onwards to the harbour mouth which was just stunning. The absence of wind and presence of sunshine made it a wonderful day to visit.
Fortunately my luxury bus returned on time to take me back to my cousin's house where the bridges and cats were very happy to see me, haha - maybe not! A beautiful day out and I'm feeling really grateful again.