Wednesday 15th February 2023
Currently I'm missing two aspects of myself - my traveller and my long distance runner.
I'm sure the travelling self is bound to show up soon but the long distance runner was last experienced in 2018.
She's an aspect I never expected to meet. She was tough, and determined yet so different from the couch self. The further I ran, the more she showed up and she's quite hard to describe. I remembered her today when my sister and I headed to the running club tonight. There was a large group of strangers all waiting to run a few kilometres around a suburb. I didn't know anyone but I did recognise my 'challenge ' from my last run. An older plodder, but he stayed consistent up the hills and I watched as he disappeared from my view (again- my personal challenge has now kicked in- beat the plodded!) Haha.
The quiet sections in between runners got me thinking. The sounds of footsteps, breathing and movement behind me gave me the memory of guessing what the approaching runner would be like. In that guessing, I remembered her - my long distance lady. It's going to be a long time before I get to engage with her but it was a nice kind of memory to have.
Earlier in the day, I walked Molly at a nearby dog park, which was lovely. On my return the 'gadget girl' got out my drone and decided to try it again slowly. I was super excited when I able to record some video. I'm a long way away from arty shots but it was fun just the same. Practice makes a long distance flyer/runner.