Sunday 30th July 2023
Today was a much needed mooch day. I woke early again with my brain saying 'right let's go' but my body said nope, wait up. So I compromised and lay awake listening to the wind rustle the leaves on the trees.
My sister had an arrangement early evening so she made a Sunday lunch with Yorkshire puddings and it gave me the urge to have a Sunday siesta. But sleep didn't come so I went round to my other sister for a chat and a coffee. It's fun being in walking distance between the sisters.
My cousin has been researching the family tree which has led her to find a different cousin who has done substantial research on our family forest. There's a lot of Irish heritage there so we're contemplating exploring the Green Isle for a few days in September. It's nice to have people to outsource the research to, I must say. I'm presenting an online heritage tour in August and I am still needing to do some prep and research and I can't outsource that, haha. It's amazing having all these roots to places everywhere, I'm enjoying the road that it's taking me. Right now though, I'm rooted to bed.