Monday 30th October 2023
It was a strange day for me today. Firstly I'd slept heavy and long overnight and then woke up to a bright sky. Then my body stiffness... ouch! My badminton forearm was squealing at me. And then I couldn't figure out if my feverish feeling was from the dratted flu or because my body felt stiff after the weekend double badminton act!
A shower helped shake me up a bit and I decided to do admin and a digital cleanup. The furthest I walked was down to the kitchen. My sister is in London with her grandsons and daughter so my brother in law 'looked after me'. He popped out for a while and the male dog came upstairs and gave me the most charming look to get on the bed. Fortunately I didn't have to chase him away for too long, as my brother in law came back and he must be far more interesting than me, because I never saw the dogs again for the rest of the afternoon, haha
So not much in the line of outdoor adventures for me today, but rest days are often necessary. And I'm grateful for the warm, comfy bed.