Monday 13th March 2023
I had lunch with a friend who I met through one of my career jaunts, reflexology. I'd newly qualified as a reflexologist but using the soft touch method and I set about building up my practice. It was 1997 and I was still doing some freelance TV work too. It was way before the internet was of any use to small businesses, with dial-up lines and very tiny emails so marketing was different. I spent a lot of time and money on pamphlets and posters which I put up on notice boards around the area. Pat saw my ad and decided to check me out.
She too, does the soft touch reflexology and after she had a treatment with me, I passed her 'test'. We became friends and swopped sessions regularly. I sat across from her today under the trees of a local coffee shop while chasing away the bees and we chatted about life and it's lessons and changes. The restaurant has been sold and revamped since I last visited. It has kept the free range chickens and the big trees form the canopy for many birds.
Two noisy loerie birds started making a loud commotion in the branches above us. Usually they quieten down after a while but they weren't letting up. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a movement in the tree. A bird of prey was munching on an egg and obviously was the cause of the loeries' distress. In the midst of suburbia, the spirit of nature continues.
📷 sunset pic - Nic