Saturday 30th September 2023
The last day of the 9th month! It feels fast, yet my first visit to Scotland in June feels so far away. It was hot then and we did a lot of walking which seemed to be the start of my neuroma niggles in my feet. Although I did do some short runs, I have been resting the running feet and stuck to walking.
I'm mentioning this because tomorrow is my 10km race day. The Great Scottish run will be my first city race in the UK. In 2015 we ran the Loch Ness Marathon with about 8 of us, both local and South Africans, which was a great day and I was very fit then, unlike now. But I know that I have been walking around 10km regularly in our mini adventures so I should be fine.
I'm meeting up with my cousin who suggested that we do this, so I'm looking forward to catching up with her too. The race starts around 9am and the crowds get divided into pace and we chose the last group to go into, which is perfect for a festive walk around the city of my birth. I checked on the transport and the trains only start close to 9am so my bus choice will be 7am. I'm hoping to get 'up and at 'em' so it will be an early night for me.
Waking up with an alarm clock will be unusual for me, haha. Best I set it now so I don't forget!