I was all of 10 when my curiosity for the 'off limits' military, looming, grass ridge over the Durban harbour started. It was attached to the land obviously, but I couldn't see where or how. It's amazing when facing a 'no entry' sign or 'you wouldn't understand' my intensity increases. For 45 years the ridge remained unexplored...until today. My tour today granted my 10 year old wish.
The tour itself was fantastic. Just enough of old and new buildings, scruffy and pristine, and dark and light - all contrasts that I didn't know I liked.
I love buildings, there's an energy to it that I am still figuring out. I'm not great at remembering the style of architecture but I do remember the feel of a place.
Durban is an unusual city in that many people have said that they don't like it. I always listen to the whys but nowadays I trust my feelings of a place more than other's opinions. Fortunately the Durban tour guide is on a similar page as me and loves buildings with the history detail (that somehow escapes me, right now)
I want to write all of this up but it is going to be much longer than this blog allows. I need to write each facet up while still fresh in my mind.
There was even a touch of deja vu when I started writing today's blog. I think the beach and railway tracks were in a sleep dream.
But for now I need to go face the real dreamworld. Today was too exciting!