Tuesday 19th December 2023
With less than 2 weeks left of this remarkable year, I was woken really early by a scratch at the door. It was 4am and I considered ignoring it, but then thought the dog might need to wee. Standing in the dark African sky, listening to the crickets and looking at the bright stars, I realised that Rusty was just being hopeful and not doing his business. I managed to stretch the rest of sleep till 20 minutes past his usual alarm call.
The air was pleasantly cool when we set out to the dog park and I dodged the mud from last night's storm. The dam looked fuller and the grass looks greener and I was full of gratitude when I realised that it was starting to drizzle. I may have mentioned this before, but I don't like my head getting wet, it's odd, I know. I plotted the run to try stay under trees for as long as possible and went onto the roads more than the fields. The sun started shining and I realised that a rainbow must be forming. I was sad that I hadn't brought my camera to capture it but it looked so close and pretty and it made my smile even wider.
I was fortunate to return to my lovely massage friend who gave my knotted back a tweak or three. I miss the regular massage as my body got used to the weekly maintenance sessions. I still think the world would be a kinder place if everyone had regular massages. Our bodies are stressed and tight.
Rusty almost sulked when I got back but he grinned his skew smile when I took out his leash for the afternoon trip to the dog park. And today there were a few dogs, unlike yesterday so there was much sniffing and greeting and the occasional hair raising, but he's such a happy dog. And that makes me a happy girl.