Wednesday 31st January 2024
The end of the first month of this year has arrived. It feels like such a long time ago that Rusty was waking me up at 4am. Today my nightmare of my phone not filming video woke me up at 4.30am. It was one of those realistic dreams that I thought it had happened. I managed to get back to sleep and woke 'late' at 5.50. I moved quickly because I was dropping the Fiat off at the garage so I couldn't lie and contemplate the day.
The sunrise was welcoming me to another day on this awesome blue planet.
After dropping the car off and sorting all the animals out, I watched a Rockumentary on the creation of the American song ' We are the world'. It's on Netflix and is one of those shows that transported me back to the days of being fresh out of school. I loved it all and had to sit and let it settle in my psyche. I often get like that when I see something that moves me. Going to the movie house (which was long long ago) always had me process the movie for a few days afterwards.
The cats were very happy to join me on the couch while the dogs snored their day away. I had an idea of cleaning the bunny rabbit's gunky eye, but they're not really tame, and I don't know how to catch a bunny, a chicken I can catch, but the rabbit was having none of it.
A real domestic day for me, and it feels like I have one big long holiday. I'm truly grateful.