Didn't physically do any packing today yet old memories popped up without me doing any digging.
The brown paper packaging.
I was recommended to try out a local grocery store's delivery service so I thought I would try it before I move out. Although I couldn't get it on the same day ( I did order around 3pm) I scheduled delivery time for after my run.
It arrived promptly as I watched it travel the journey on my phone screen and arrived in a brown paper bag.
I held it still for a moment hearing the sounds of my youth bubble up. The weekly OK bazaars deliveries on Friday afternoons. The distinct sound of the paper rustled up the excitement of new food in the house. With a total of 9 people in the house- a lot of paper bags were carried in from the truck's drop off point in the driveway. New groceries on a Boilermaker's wage didn't hold anything too special, other than a few packs of biscuits, but for this 6 year old, it was exciting.
Much like my brown bag this morning. I opened it carefully and enjoying seeing the tomatoes, cheese and broccoli that I had forgotten that I ordered.
Sometimes it truly can be the small things... the excitement of a brown paper bag. Who would have thought?