The beauty of keeping these chronicles is that I have a daily record of all sorts of exciting things. While gazing over a moody harbour from one of the highest points of Durban in one of the few revolving restaurants, I was marveling at how every day brings new surprises. I mentioned this to my friend that at my age and after such a blessing-filled life, I am still surprised by how life can be so marvelous.
I have trained myself over the years to look for the good. I'm not talking about the good within people or the bigger picture, I am talking about the tiny, insignificant parts that are often overlooked. They are always there, without fail. In a way, my career as a therapist taught me to look for root causes of problems or negative issues, highlighted the good parts too. My own inner critic, who was extremely loud and professional, has transformed into a gentle, constant cheerleader.
Today's meal in the timewarp restaurant, high above the harbour literally had the earth moving for me. Seeing the threadbare carpets and padded bar stools had me imagining who had stood in the exact same place and marveled at the view. The staff who have worked loyally for most of their adult lives in the venue, with their stories that light up their faces, intrigued me. I'm always sad that I can never get the full story because it would take a lifetime but instead I hear a short edited version of a fascinating snippet of a completely different life to mine.
Plus the steak was delicious!