Saturday 2nd December 2023
The cold temperatures continued and I managed to sleep through till 6am- small treasures in life, haha.
It was a bittersweet day though because I got to spend time with my niece but sadly also had to say goodbye to her, for now. The joy of knowing so many people has the downside but I do value the time spent with her as we drank our lattes, in the cosy coffee shop, before the hunt for a Christmas tree. We came away empty handed though, but I'm still amazed at the huge selection of Christmas goodies here.
It was dark when my sister drove us back through the town and it was cool seeing the Christmas street lights that were switched on yesterday. I popped in to say goodbye to my handsome great nephews and I even managed to coax a hug out of them both.
My brother in law put up his cheerful Christmas lights on the house today so when we drove up, the house looked very merry. My sister made my favourite pudding of Rhubarb crumble after our dinner of yummy fajitas. How am I ever going to fend for myself again, haha?