Thursday 25th January 2024
11 months till Christmas! Haha, but it did feel rather charitable moving out all the goods from the shed that were being donated to the charity. I'm surprised at how much stuff there was, yet it's probably only 2% of the household contents. It's amazing how we accumulate stuff. I've learned to live without most of it in the past 3 years of travel. But when I see my cupboard space now I realise how quickly it gathers. The minimal lifestyle also changes when I have a car to carry the stuff from place to place, instead of just my small backpack on trains.
It seems to be a current theme of clearing out as tomorrow I'm helping my friend (from Morecambe) go through her stored stuff remotely, for her to decide what to let go of. Not sure how to ship it over yet, nor what her brother will do with what she doesn't want.
As they say though, one man's junk is another man's treasure and I know the charity today, Wings of Inspiration' has many different 'wings' with children's home, shelter for homeless as well as an old age center. The young chap who collected it all said nothing gets wasted.
Tonight Debbie and I saw one of my favourite local singers, Arno Carstens do an acoustic show in a local pub. I love the intimacy of a small venue plus hearing the backstory of his songs. The only complaint is that I'm no longer used to cigarette smoke and everyone seemed to be smoking inside. The food was good and the atmosphere was great so overall a really fun night out. We had rainbows on route and a full moon on our return trip so the skies played along with the magic.
Debbie is getting up in 5 hours to travel to the Drakensberg for a trail race and I'm certainly not envying her in any way, haha.