Monday 12th June 2023
Today I have been counting my blessings and there are many. I've been in the UK a month already and have done and seen so much. After helping a friend on the phone in South Africa with some anxiety issues I jumped on a bus to go see the Renfrew Town Hall up close. It's been on my building 'radar' so I was very glad to read online that a museum is inside the building.
The museum itself was small and modern and there wasn't much information on the building itself but there were a couple of books about the town. It mentioned the Renfrew Baths and a ferry and I was amazed to hear that both are still operational. I set out to explore and came across a cemetery and church and the first headstone had my birthday as this unfortunate person's death, but in the 19th century. The quietness of cemeteries really have a calming effect on me and I walked around reading what I could about the lives that once were.
After finding the 'baths' next door to a great tiny Cafe where I had a square sausage roll, (or Lorne sausage) my brother messaged me about the passenger ferry. I was super excited to head off and try it out. The young chap gave me a free trip back and told me that the ferry will probably only be in operation for about two more years, due a new bridge being built. A 300 year tradition of foot ferry will be finished. I'm so glad I went.
I jumped back on a bus and headed into the city center. I'm still in awe of all the stunning buildings and took lots of pictures and made many a passer-by look up. That's always a good thing. I found a magic Cafe which seemed the perfect place to drink Irn Bru and marvel over the simple pleasures of life.