Thursday 26th May 2022 The tooth is still in, but the health is up to 40% power. I was rather surprised by only waking once and only needing the milder painkiller and then sleeping again until 5. My shower was exhausting so I didn't wash my clatty hair (there are some really great Scots words) so after being at the door of death a day before, I was sitting in Anna's car, while she whisked me away through a very scenic countryside road snapping pictures of the trees.
I jumped out at the town stop which gave her enough time to zoot back on the 30 minute drive for her work meeting. I recalibrated my body and switched my GPS onto walk mode when I realised that it had changed itself to imperial measurements, I'm still metric, I run in kilometres, it sounds further!!!!
But I managed this new skill and fpund the clinic and I explained the story knowing that they are actually not going to be able to do anything other than an £80 xray. At least this time, I didn't need to open my mouth wide (which I can't- 1 finger width only and yes that is the actual measurement term) On the xray, the source of my misery can be seen. Two hairline cracks. Which doesn't really serve me, but I will have to get it sorted somewhere along my travels. Flying again with this could prompt a repeat and I do not want to go through that!
I took my time getting my BP back to normal, before I left the practice and walked down the quaint High street and of course couldn't resist a sign saying 'church yard passage' and then 'museum'. But I was feeling really drained so pictures are all I took and continued my imperial way to the station. I felt awful after climbing the station stairs, they can be a killer on their own but I realised that I must on on the mend because there was a positive thought of 'that's why the backpack, I need my hands free to pull on railings'. I rested the afternoon away until Anna finished work which was around 6pm.
Then we went in the car with Molly for a lead-free park walk and a quick saunter up to a stunning church. Just there. Tucked in the middle of the greenery, next to the horses, the eternal home of the 1800's people. I'm really tired now, but I'm getting my appetite back, yey!