Tuesday 1 November 2022
All Saints day. The day when the good ghosts return after all the horror of Halloween. There was harrowing wind 5 flights up but I did still hear some fireworks. I drank my Medlemon and woke up every few hours as usual but I knew there was an undercurrent of tension due to my leaving today.
I'm not sure because it was because I'm going to a foreign country but this morning I realised I could change my perception of my journey and be excited about going to Amsterdam. I'd worked there for a month in the year 2000 on the Eurocup football and I'd loved the place and the people. As soon as I observed my anxiety and changed the idea, my tension eased.
I managed to get a breakfast in the dining room which had been flooded last night and I took my time packing and sorting my bag out. The rain started pelting down so I decided to look at getting an Uber instead of the bus or train. I was so glad I did even if the sun came out while waiting for my Prius to pick me up. A delightful gentleman started telling me about all his business ventures in his 30 years of living here from Pakistan and he owns property now which he rents out. He said he drives because he likes to keep the hustle going and meet nice people. He blessed me when I left his car right outside the Terminal building so I'm taking those blessings and adding them to my hundreds that I've received.
I'm sitting in a pub after eating my last bangers and mash, listening to all my fellow travellers from around the globe and just marvelling at this modern world. Talking to you via this little device which has been my constant companion on this trip, facing a metal brute of a beast that is going to transport me to the other side of firstly, the English Channel and then across the equator back to summer.
It's just magic, isn't it?