Wednesday 1 March 2023
Today I had 'marching' orders to leave the dorp and drive to the hamlet of Val. But first, I had to March around the block to see some of the Heidelberg Heritage's blue plaques. This small town has done amazing things at preserving the history and letting it be visible and I was fascinated by the Blesbokspruit which only floods at the edge of the town which has more of the water catchment.
After saying my goodbyes and recommendations of a farmhouse coffee shop I set off for a 4 minute drive. The old school is a stunning building and I'm surprised I'd missed it but I saw both school and market while drinking kondensmelk coffee. Although a predominantly Afrikaans town, all the folk switched easily to comfortable English because I stumbled over my Afrikaans replies.
I then stopped in at the Station Museum. Man, was I impressed. Trains in immaculate condition snd a fascinating history of the station where various statesmen had been through. Unfortunately I didn't get on my tour as the local guide had business in a neighbouring town. The museum used to house Anton Rupert's private car collection before he moved it to the Cape. It then stood empty and ransacked for years before Bouwer Wiersma started doing something about it. With some local businesses he's completely revamped it in to a stunning setting. Really worth a visit. Click here for more.
Then my hours drive to the hamlet of Val was just too stunning. The veld was green, cosmos aplenty and sunflowers smiling. There is so much excitement here that I will write more about it all tomorrow. It's off the beaten track and so quiet. But wifi in the thick bricked bedrooms is iffy, so I'm doing this now in the restaurant before loadshedding kicks in!
Such a stunning day that my jaws hurt from smiling.