Thursday 26th January 2023
I gave myself a morning off from running seeing as I had two running sessions yesterday and my body felt stiff. I lay still, comfortably listening to the birdsong until I heard a neighbour use his leafblower at 05h40! I almost went outside to shout at him, but didn't want to ruin my nice vibe. Fortunately he stopped after a few minutes and I resumed my observations of the dawn.
I was excited for today because I was meeting two lovely friends for a much needed catch up. Both meetings were in Linden, an interesting part of town that is old fashioned yet at the same time very trendy. The first little deli was surprisingly inexpensive and they had gorgeous tiny cakes, which made me forget all about breakfast of course. My friend is a fabulous Johannesburg tour guide so he was very helpful and kind in sharing his wisdom with me. Our 2 hours flew by and I drove up the road for my next catch up.
A fellow kindred spirit of; travel, tapping, running and all sorts of things, it was a great catch up and hearing myself explain myself can be quite useful to... erm, myself. Those hours flew by too and I drove to my side of town with a full heart.
Now to apply all the fine advice and ideas for my next phase!