Friday 11th November 2022
A very wet and chilly Friday. With one day left till my tour, I knew I had to buckle down and do my cue cards. I was doing really well when suddenly I got the impulse to go buy some wellington boots. I Googled nearby stores and made my way out during the heaviest downpour of the day.
I drove slowly, avoiding the large puddles and looked around at how many cars were on the road out of necessity. I giggled nervously at my choice of timing. I got to the shop without incident and tiptoed my way into the store through the puddles and headed towards the garden section. I'm finding it interesting walking past home decor and lighting without having a 'home' to imagine the objects in. I eventually found the boots and was happy to see many different sizes. I opted for a bright pair and after paying for them, I changed into them to test walk them to the car.
I was amazed to see a brand new shop section next the home store. I stopped there to investigate, plus I had my waterproof shoes on so I was eager to feel them go.
The rest of the day I had my nose in my notes trying to plot a talk on a man's 96 year life. What are the highlights and what will the guests find interesting. I'm quite excited to find out! Here I go... well tomorrow that is!