Friday 3rd February 2023
I woke up early after dreaming about 3 majestic owls in a tree and remembered that I was housesitting. I lay listening to the different suburb sounds and the dogs run up the passage as they figured out I'd woken up. I did a mental diary check and knew that I had no reason to rush out of bed.
As the day wore on, I thought I'd assemble my drone and try it out. After a while of looking at every piece of plastic and not finding the power switch, I found an online instruction video in Chinese. Ahhh, the power switch was fortunately pointed out so I was ready. Unfortunately I must have pressed all the buttons on the app too much and the damn thing took off, and I fortunately stopped it from hitting the ceiling but then it flew off into the window complete with dogs chasing it. I laughed as I realised my impatience had done this and I rescued the drone and switched everything off. I packed it all up in it's box again and will try it again outside when I have a bigger area to practice in. At least I know it flies (or is that - flew?) Haha.
The dogs got restless again as the afternoon thunder showers built up so I put my phone on charge and went to sit with them on the couch. The big guy, once again, felt safer behind me with me leaning on him like a weighted blanket. Horses benefit from weighted blankets for anxiety and some humans benefit too. I like heavy blankets when it's cold, but haven't needed to get under the duvet in a year now. (Winter avoidant.) While calming the dogs I finished a novel that I started reading while here in January. It was quite fun reading a fiction book for a change.
Now we're mid-loadshedding again and I'm playing music on my phone while I write this. The tracks are taking me back to my solo road trip in the Karoo last year and I swear I can smell the dust in the air. Feeling grateful tonight.