Thursday 31 March 2022
I woke up again around 4am after dreaming about singing the Flash Gordon song by Queen and pointing my arms like Usain Bolt. I had a chuckle and fortunately fell back asleep.
I was meeting a friend on the main street early so I took a walk and when I put my watch GPS on, I was a little disappointed that it only measured half a kilometer walk. I took some photos of some trees in their autumn glow, buildings and had an enjoyable breakfast.
I was having another friend come for some gentle reflexology on her feet, so took a walk back to my bnb feeling much warmer in the sunshine. The area really feels comfortable and light and I had people talking to me like they knew me. I then realised that the blue stripe in my hair makes me stand out a little. I think the overall message is that I should start standing out instead of trying to hide, in order to avoid criticism. I am a recovering people pleaser and I'm learning many things about myself and the world at large. The lessons can sometimes sting a little but I wouldn't change it at all.
It's a pretty cool planet when we give it a chance.