Thursday 18th January 2024
It was unusually chilly today. Fortunately I spent a lot of time in the car- my sister's Fiat. I wanted to test out the changes made by yesterday's mechanics and so far, so good. No strange alarms, messages nor cutting out. I must admit to enjoying driving it, it feels solid on the road and has more power than my smart car. Then again, the lawnmower might have more power than my smart car! Lol.
I drove across town to an area that I've driven past several times, but never inside, while I was 'Rusty' housesitting (I wonder if he misses me? Lol) Kramerville is an area that looks like a factory retail store but houses mostly furniture and decor stores. I was amazed. I walked around a new furniture store and was amazed at their view of nearby the Sandton business district. I also spotted some street art so the mandatory photo was taken. I didn't go into any other stores because, well, I don't have a house to furnish.
The drive back across town went smoothly and the trucks driving in the third lane on the 4 lane motorway didn't intimidate me. I could get used to this bigger, stronger car.
Molly was giving me her best look for a second stroll, but we ended up playing with the ball instead.