Waking up to a very wet Johannesburg with no official plans meant that I could lie and snuggle with the beasts for a bit. Suddenly a message from a friend changed the trajectory of my morning. However the cat had jumped on the bed and I am a little wary of it's moods. I slowly worked around her to get into my shower and head for a coffee meet up.
There's a new center nearby so we met there dodging puddles in parking bays and wearing jerseys. By the time I left an hour later the sun was splitting the sky again. I caught up with some work and did some planning while Molly watched very earnestly for some playtime.
I mistakenly closed the cat inside the study and after an hour of 'non appearances' I realised that she might be in there. I was very careful for lashings and repercussions but all I got was some purring and the tripping hazard around my ankles.
Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day, so you will just have to read it all then!