Thursday 1 December 2022
Today smelled like December even down to the fruit mince pie that I ate with some dear friends. The heat had that thick Joburg smell to it and while walking Molly late afternoon, I had to stop to let the smell in. I was a few months too late for the Jasmine of Spring but there was a honeysuckle and syringa tree smell that literally stopped me in my tracks.
Then I was treated to the birds. There were mousebirds, crested barbet, the red billed wood hoopoes making a racket over the early evening call of the Cape Robin. As we walked along the pavement, the busiest bird of all, the Olive Thrush darted about. The Thrush goes to sleep last and starts calling around 4am so that's why I unofficially call them the busiest birds.
I felt better than yesterday although still very sluggish. But I did enjoy my morning visit and I'm looking forward to the month ahead.