Tuesday 24th January 2023
I woke up early, expecting sister to get up for her run but she slept through her alarm. I lay listening to the birds again admiring the intensity of their chatter. The loud wake up call of several hadedas outside my sister's window would do the trick, surely? Nope, silence continued. I had started to drift off again when she was at my door asking if I'd heard her alarm. I asked if she'd heard the hadedas, the answer was no for both of us. She was too late for her run, but I was nicely early for mine. It was another lovely morning which was starting to heat up when I got back but I'd planned to stay put and do some research.
There's a tour I'm going to present on 1 April and I don't have a definite plan as yet. The co-ordinater has been asking for a blurb for promotional purposes so I have had to get my ducks in a row. Yesterday after my trip to the Tourism offices in the CBD I made my way to a local museum. After living in the area since 1989, I'm ashamed to admit that I'd never been inside it, despite monthly visits to pay our rates and electricity in the days before the internet and when we had electricity (sad lol). The museum door was closed with a sign displaying 'appointment only'. I was bold and pressed the bell and it was answered!
A wonderful helpful lady opened up and was very impressed with what my ideas are and she today, sent me such great information to start my project with. I was given the tour by the on-site guide and I was impressed with the presentations. I took some photos (which I won't be able to post this evening due to power cuts, but will add them when it returns).
This morning I called two strangers about the possible tour venue site and I remembered how uncomfortable it is for me to do 'cold-calls'. I squirmed and stumbled over my words trying to get my story out in a very clumsy way. But, I was understood and now I am hoping that it comes together so I can start proper research.
I'm not sure when my phone discomfort kicked in and it's probably the only way of communication that I struggle with. I can speak on video, podcasts, I've been on both radio and TV, I've done stand-up comedy, professional paid public talks, MCed events, spoken on the PA in the Sun City superbowl ( TV testing only- though) and many other things, but calling strangers on a telephone has me grappling with my confidence. Bizarre, I know but I'm going to have to work on neutralising it because I'm beginning to feel bolder and I'm quite liking it!