Friday 13th October 2023
My barking subsided to a growl in the night but I could feel that my system was still struggling so in spite of the sunshine, I stayed indoors this morning. I sat through an online training course of my therapy, tapping. Yes, you read that right. I used to present the training in South Africa but all the registration things changed and now I'm redoing my training, so I can get registered here in the UK. Initially I was reluctant to pay hundreds of pounds to redo something that I've lived with since 2001 but the current training has some different aspects to it and the chap is quite entertaining. Another good thing is to see how far I've come in many ways as well as to refresh my understanding of the methodology.
By lunchtime, my brain was tired so I decided to brave the icy wind for a walk. I know that the lovely bridge is just meters away from me so I had to go and admire the view. Cabin fever creeps in quickly.
There were a few people out doing the same and I noticed thick jackets and woolly hats, and I regretted leaving my woolly hat at my brother's house. I took the pictures, some big gasps of air and scurried over to my uncle's flat. My uncle lived in KwaZulu-Natal for many years and walking into his place here, is similar to the tropical feel of those days. His heating is up really high, but I anticipated this, so I took my jacket off in the entrance hallway before his front door. I didn't stay too long as I didn't want him to catch my flu bug so I scurried back to my cousin's house.
In a way, I feel like I'm not using the proximity of this housesit properly because I'm not exploring the city. But my body say 'nope', so rest it is. I'm enjoying the quiet, as in extremely quiet suburb and the proximity of the river. I've still got a few days here to recover fully anyway so I might just make it on a bus to Edinburgh for an exploration.
This Summer in the UK has been far less frenzied in trying to see everything and everyone, like I did last year. I am enjoying the calmer pace although there's still been amazing things happen. Today I was excited to see a butterfly in spite of the crazy wind. Then my cousin's land-line telephone rang, giving me a mild heart attack because I didn't know she had a phone. My Scots pie supper got delivered to the front door, which was fun. Both cats let me stroke them today too. It's the simple things....