Saturday 4th February 2023
I had an early meeting with a friend who is moving to London next month so she said 'come along to my rebounding class'.
I agreed, not quite knowing what that entails, but I discovered that my core is sadly lacking, my balance is terrible and I couldn't lift my knees up high on the bounce! The class were all kicking and flicking, using weights, bands and balls and I was just reminded that I should be going back to my biokineticist strength building class. I think I'm going to feel it all in my body tomorrow.
Fortunately we recovered by having a lovely breakfast and a great catch up after the class. The next time we see each other will be over the water and we were both in awe at how life has shifted into ways we could never have guessed.
My housesitting was cut short, when Karen's mum was struggling with her health and she returned home, so I packed up my stuff and I think the dogs realised that something was happening. I gave them a full vienna sausage each and I swear I heard them say 'thank yoof' lol.
I'm back with Molly who was dropping her ball at my feet with much anticipation. The swimming pool seems to be on the mend, and I must admit to enjoying the unlimited wifi. I watched some comedy videos and one had Robin Williams on the Graham Norton show. He was fabulous and the world is lucky we still have access to his comedic genius on video.
It's a full moon tomorrow and I'm heading to a local cemetery to help the local clean up team in the morning. I'm strangely excited, although by now I'm accepting of my strangeness, haha.