Monday 14th March 2022 Today is my mum's birthday. She would be 87 which is the same age as my dad. It's such a pity that she didn't get to spend the last 31 years celebrating her life. I woke up feeling nostalgic and sad and then I realised that I had quite a lot of anxiety. So much to do, people to see, money to make, admin, packing, sorting, anxiety was off the charts. I was surprised by it as I haven't felt this kind of anxiety in years. But I was also aware that it wasn't going to last so I just stayed with it and felt all my fears and listened to my crazy brain. It calmed down after a drive and some of my therapy technique (tapping) but it flared up again in the afternoon. It was useful to have experienced this because it shows just how much I have changed and that my life is no longer dictated by fear and anxiety. I used to be anxious at everything and only those people closest to me could tell. I used to think that it had a specific cause and I needed to figure out what. But today I managed to simply allow myself to feel it and let it run it's course. The world is crazy right now and even the most positive amongst us can have a love vibration day. Be kind to (my)yourself.
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