Saturday 24th June 2023
Tiree. A tiny island that had sandy beaches, picturesque bays, sheep everywhere, narrow road, thatch roofed houses, and friendly people. It sounds like so many places I've visited, but it's different. It's flatter than some of the other islands I've visited and I was thinking about this piece of earth that sticks out just enough to keep the North Atlantic Ocean from claiming it. It's also windy, but today felt warm and not the Baltic winds that hammer the island in February (according to last night's bus driver).
I woke early and saw the sun which got me smiling as I dozed again until 6am. Then I had a notion that breakfast starts at 7am so was showered and ready for the actual opening after an hour wait. The sun also decided to doze again and there was a cooler air as I stepped out to walk around the tiny harbour. The world was quiet apart from the sheep and some birds that seemed annoyed that I was disturbing their early morning privacy. The rain came at me from all directions so I scuttered quickly back to wait in my hotel room.
I had a lovely long chat with the manager at breakfast and she said that I could work here if I was keen. "Everywhere needs staff" but she said spend some time exploring and see. I'm glad she said that because I was almost signing up. But after spending time on the island, as lovely as it is, I get a strange feeling about being on such a small piece of land. I had a similar feeling in Isle of Wight, perhaps it's because of reliance of ferries or airplane, or perhaps it's because I grew up surrounded by vast pieces of land, I'm not exactly sure, but as the day got older, the more my body said 'nope'.
What I did say yes to was unusual though. The same manager suggested hiring a car because of the bleak weather and because the island is bigger than it seems on foot. So I called (eek!) And had to call another time to get the bus pick me up to get to the car hire place. Then it was a manual car, big gulps!! I only stalled about 6 times, but in my defence, the engine is a lot quieter than my Smartie. I saw a red Smartie while on the bus ride and wondered how it would hold up against the winter gales.
The single lane road has plenty of pull off points and the people are so polite. There's not many roads so I set off in any direction to get a feel of the car. Very quickly I was at one of the stunning beaches with parking so I had to get out and stroll. I felt some rocks say hello, admired the multitude of buttercups and then very unusual for me- I took off my trainers and walked in the water a little bit! Gasp!!!
As I was heading towards a restaurant for some lunchtime coffee the sun came out and I spotted a cemetery. While walking it got really warm and I took my jacket off. I also spotted a hare jumping away from this grave walker, apparently there's no rabbits only hares here. While sipping my tea I ended up chatting with a fellow traveller from Spain who was talking about his 'call to Scotland'. After chatting about our travels we ended up deep in philosophy and beliefs and the conversation stretched to three hours. I helped him take his hire bicycle back to the local fitness guy who organises an ultra trail run in September where the 300 places sell out within hours.
I walked over to the local co-op for a look and the museum beside it was closed. Under my bedroom window there was a chap playing the accordion and singing. But I think the opening of the kitchen for 7pm dinner put paid to the music.
My last evening of being 56. A poignant age for me. But I go to sleep with an extremely full heart and joy for the opportunity to be here right now. What an absolute joy my 20 804 days have been. Living life the best way I can, not always knowing the way but it's certainly my way!