Friday 22 September 2023
Today was my oldest niece's birthday. She turned 43 which I know is impossible because I feel like I'm 30 years old. Not having children of my own gives me the opportunity to love the offspring as if they are an extension of myself. This niece was born when I was 14, which I remember, feeling like I was so worldly wise, I knew everything (haha!)
I can still remember feeling a sense of wonder that my sister had a baby. My mum was over the moon, she adored babies and was a seasoned professional. I remember watching her hold my new niece and I swear I could feel the love. She was very calming around babies and no doubt a great help for the new mother. I couldn't understand what the fuss was about. It was only 4 years later when I worked in the premature babies unit in the hospital, where I would hold those tiny babies in my lap, that I felt the love. It was easy then to talk to these tiny souls while feeding them at 2am and I remembered my mum and my niece in similar holding positions.
Now, this very same niece has brought up two babies who now tower over me and I'm filled with awe. This tiny baby is now a great schoolteacher that schoolkids get excited about seeing years later. This tiny baby handles life and all it's dips with a grace that she doesn't realise. This tiny baby who broke through the generational level and fit right in between the ages. This tiny baby that organises her eager boys concert tickets and handles it all like a boss.
I wonder if my unwed/non-mother aunt held the same type of awe for her offspring's children? I often think of how much that Aunt affected my views and it's such a pity I woke up to late to ask her all such things. But now, I'm relishing the opportunity to celebrate, my 43 years of being an Aunt.