Monday 16th January 2023
I could write about the latest chaos in South Africa and I don't mean the loadshedding, or power cuts, I mean the Tiger that got out of someone's property and is apparently roaming the streets. But I don't know enough about the details about that one, I'm busy trying to take photos of my own 'tiger' that I'm looking after tomorrow. Cats are hard to photograph while on the 'meove'.
The 3 dogs sensed I was leaving today as they all stayed close to my side all morning which sounds loving but it's very hot, haha. I told them that their mum was returning but they made sure I'd given them the very last treat before I left.
I'm staying with my soon-to-be-60 sister tonight and tomorrow she's having a birthday staycation at a posh hotel so I'm looking after her 2 dogs and photo-shy cat. It's fascinating watching someone with the same genes be so completely thrilled to be in her kitchen, and enjoying entertaining. Her eyes twinkle knowing that she's trying out a 'Beef Wellington' for the very first time. I've been eating quite light lately, due to the heat and different stoves so the dinner was large but delicious.
I've got a bit of research and prep to do over the next few weeks so I'm hoping that I manage to keep my phone well charged which is proving trickier with the current (lack of) energy crisis. The world is a crazy place at the moment, but I'm used to crazy so all should be dealt with in due course.