Tuesday 17th January 2023
I woke up early and admired the wide open skies from my comfy bed. I'd slept well so I was up and about in time to silence the noisy cat who wanted to investigate the new person in the room. The air felt cooler than in my weekend bedsit venue but then again my sister does live on a hill.
The birthday girl had organised croissants which we ate on the porch and I'm always intrigued by the pretty clouds. I'm still enjoying discovering my adult ( or is that old age?) siblings and seeing how they live their lives. After breakfast the birthday couple left and it was me and the animals who were fairly settled.
The bulldog is getting on a bit but is full of character and she was watching TV just as loadshedding started and even growled at a deer on the screen. The Labrador loves to play ball, not quite as much as Molly but he's a loving dog who bounds along waiting for the slightest signal to jump in the pool.
Fortunately there's a back up power system which keeps the wifi running. And that also means that the TV and Netflix continues. I've got a drama on in the background, I like to have background noise on, it quietens the noise in my head, haha.